How to Apply

Apply Now

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Apply and get accepted to college!

Applying is free and easy. Visit to complete your application. 

Apply now at

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Make sure you have what you need before you begin your application.

View Application FAQs


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Most students qualify for financial aid. 

Learn about applying for aid

Next Steps

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Access Student Portal


  • 您将在提交您的ApplyTexas申请后3-5天内通过电子邮件收到您的ACES登录信息.
  • 请务必完成“Start Here”选项卡中的AlamoENROLL GoFAARR和Test Prep模块.
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Select the link in the top-right corner of ACES to access your student email.

Submit Documents

You’ll need to gather and submit several important documents, including:

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You don’t have to wait to gather your paperwork. Start submitting these as soon as you apply. 

Get Registered

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Orientation and Registration

Celebrate your transition to college! 你将在新生迎新会(NSO)了解更多关于大学项目和服务的信息。, which is required for all new and transfer students.

Once you attend NSO, you'll be able to meet with an advisor and register for classes. 

Learn more about NSO 

Make Payment

After you’ve registered, 你需要确保你的学费已经由经济援助支付,或者你的付款已经支付,以避免你的课程被取消. 

View Registration and Payment Calendar

Questions about paying for college?

Learn more about Paying for College


Admissions and Enrollment Process

选择您的学生类型,以了解更多关于招生和注册过程, including how to register for classes, or choose a service.



First Time in College Students

Transfer and Former Students


Contact an Enrollment Coach

Early Admissions for High School Students


Student Development (SDEV)





Visit Northwest Vista College


Student Accessibility Services (Disability Support)

 Contact the Vista Central: Admissions

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First Time In College Students

First Time In College Students are classified as:

  • Current high school students about to graduate
  • Students who have already graduated from high school
  • Students with a GED
  • Former dual credit students who have not yet attended college


Apply as a First Time In College Student


Transfer, Former, and Visiting (Transient) Students

Transfer, Former, and Visiting (Transient) student are classified as:

  • Students who have previously attended another college or university
  • 以前就读过十大网赌正规网址官网区但入学时间不超过一年的学生
  • Students seeking to take courses at NVC to be transferred back to their home institution

Apply as a Transfer Student


Important Dates and Deadlines

Click on each tab below for more information about deadlines and NVC policies.

Semester Options

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Application and Registration Deadlines

点击下面的链接,选择你有兴趣申请的学期的“注册”日历. 您将能够查看Apply Texas申请和课程自我注册的开始和结束日期.

Application and Registration Dates

Enrollment Management Period (EMP) Registration (Self-Registration Locked)

What is the Enrollment Management Period (EMP)?
The Enrollment Management Period (EMP) is always the last week before classes begin. During this time, self-registration through ACES is locked, meaning students cannot add or drop classes through ACES.

All schedule changes, 要么注册额外的课程,要么放弃已经注册的课程, MUST be done in-person with the Main Advising Office, located in CCC 108. Schedule changes will NOT be processed over the phone or via email, and all registration is first-come, first-served.

Additionally, students will only have one opportunity to make schedule adjustments during EMP weeks.

Self-registration will open back up through ACES on the first day of classes. Students will only be able to register for courses that have not yet had their first meeting.

Example: A student registering on Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. cannot register for a MW class that started at 8:00 a.m., but they can still register for a MW class that meets at 3 p.m.

十大网赌正规网址官网的新转学生和离开学校超过一年的返校学生,如果他们需要看到认证学术顾问来帮助他们选择课程,他们仍然可以在注册之前访问Vista Central.

To Register For Classes During EMP:

(In order to be eligible to register for classes during EMP, students must have been registration ready prior to EMP beginning, which includes submitting their ApplyTexas application and clearing all enrollment holds. First Time In College Students must have already attended a New Student Orientation.) 

  1. 学生应该在到达校园之前通过ACES查找他们的课程注册号码(CRNS).

  2. 学生应该有其他课程的备用计划,如果他们想要注册的课程在他们到达时已经满了.

  3. 学生必须在注册当天准备好支付课程费用,以防止因未付款而被退学.

  4. Students will visit the Records Office after looking up their CRNs to register. This is offered on a first-come, first-served basis, but students can sign in online ahead of time to reduce their wait time. Click here to sign in, and select the line for "Late Registration."
Payment Deadlines




For more information about how to pay your tuition, signing up for a payment plan, or payment deadlines, visit the Business Office.

在首次付款截止日期过后,付款安排将在注册时到期. Purge for non-payment will run on the Sunday night following registration.


Payment and Payment Plan Deadlines

First Day of Classes


请注意,西北远景学院在整个学期提供多个开始日期, so be sure to look at the correct term.

Fall and Spring Terms: 16 week courses, Flex I, and Flex II
Summer Terms: Maymester, Summer I, Summer II, and Summer 8

First Day of Classes


Helpful Resources

Here are some helpful resources you may need as you complete your enrollment steps.

Pay For Classes

Students who do not pay for their classes on time will be dropped from courses!

自掏腰包的学生可以选择全额支付学费,也可以选择分期支付. There is a $25 setup fee for installment plans.

Students paying with a credit or debit card, or an electronic check, will pay online through their ACES account.

Visit the Business Office's website to learn more about:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Payment plans
  • How to pay your tuition

Visit the Business Office website

Financial Aid


Visit the Financial Aid Office's website to learn more about:

  • Submitting a FAFSA
  • Processing time line and process
  • Financial aid refunds
  • Different types of aid
  • Financial aid resources


Visit the Financial Aid website


Join Financial Aid Zoom

Military Resources

Visit the Military and Veterans Resources page to learn more about:

  • Tuition Assistance
  • Veterans Benefits
  • MyCAA

 Veterans Benefits Application Process

Visit the Military Resources Page

Student Accessibility Services (Disability Support)


Accommodations may include:

  • Use of a recording device
  • A volunteer note-taker
  • A reader or scribe
  • And more


Student Accessibility Services (Disability Support) webpage

NVC Bookstore

After you've registered for your classes, you'll need to get your textbooks. 雷士书店可以方便地在网上找到,并为学生提供购买全新或二手教科书的选择, rent textbooks, or purchase digital versions.

To determine which textbooks you need, visit the Bookstore's website, click on "Books," and enter your Student ID number. You'll be given a list of each book you need for every class you have registered for, all in one convenient location.


Visit the NVC Bookstore's website

Vista Central: Admissions 

Northwest Vista offers self-guided campus tours online. Vista Central:招生中心还为需要帮助完成注册步骤的学生提供支持. Whether you need to use a computer, or whether you just have questions about the process, Vista Central is the place to go.

Visit Vista Central Admissions Page          Contact Vista Central: Admissions Team
Device Checkout and Low Cost Internet

Laptops are available for students.

Click Here for Laptop Checkout Information

Affordable internet solutions are available.

Programs are available to provide students and employees low-cost internet service.

Click Here for Low Cost Internet Information